Overflowing Mercy

This year of mercy is meant to meditate on God’s mercy and grace towards all humanity. Jesus asks us to be merciful just as the Heavenly Father. If asked to define God, I think ‘mercy’ may be the most suitable word. John the evangelist acclaims how the Father revealed his mercy to humanity. “God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3: 16). Jesus also says how the Father showers His mercy and compassion in our daily lives, by making the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sending rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Mathew 5: 45). The Father shows his mercy on humanity without any partiality. It is this very mercy that Jesus shows to all of us. By going in search of the lost sheep, by welcoming back the prodigal son wholeheartedly, by forgiving the sinful woman caught in adultery and by many other such ways, He demonstrated the merciful face of divinity. Jesus reminds us that in order to receive the mercy of God, we have to be merciful. Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy (Matthew 5: 7). One who is merciful is really possessing the heart of God. While justice depends upon one’s rights, mercy on the other hand is based on one’s imperfections. It flows out of the generosity of one’s heart. Our life also should be guided by the measure of mercy. If we are able to impart mercy in the places we go and to the people we meet, we will be made living witnesses of the mercy of God. Thus by possessing a merciful heart after the model of the heavenly Father, let us make this year of mercy a blissful experience.


Author: Fr Prince Thomas Chakkalayil CST