Blessing for the child in the womb

I was conceived after one and half years of our marriage. But in the second month of pregnancy, the baby got aborted. Again, after six months God blessed us giving another child in the womb. In the scanning done in the fifth month of pregnancy, the reports showed that the fluid level in the head and kidney is very high. Though we consulted many doctors in different hospitals all said that the fluid level is high and it is highly possible that the child may be mentally retarded or handicapped. So they suggested for aborting the child. But we were not ready to abort the child and decided that we will receive the child from the hands of God as he gives. In the scanning of the following months the reports showed that the fluid level is going higher. In this situation we requested prayer from the Fathers at RRC and they prayed for our child. In the scanning of the very next month, surprising everyone, reports showed that the fluid level is normal. God blessed us with a boy child without any kind of disabilities or deformities. Bless you Jesus, thank you Jesus.

Ajith & Preethi Kurisummoottil, Chakkittappara, Calicut