Death is an inevitable reality which everyone born on the earth has to face without exception. For this mystery, nobody can give a sure answer for the questions like when, where, how etc. So Jesus reminds us to “be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man (Lk 21: 36).
Our body is the temple of God. St. Paul asks: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own”? (1 Cor 6: 19). Since the Spirit of the Lord lives in our body, it is a relic. So we have a great responsibility to keep our bodies holy and pure. “Each one of you knows how to control your own body in holiness and honor” (1 Thes 4: 4). In the creed we proclaim that ‘I believe in the resurrection of the body’. Holy Church firmly believes that on the second coming of Jesus all of us shall rise up with body and soul to receive him. We should be respectful of our own bodies. The very first step for this is nothing but to lead a life devoid of sin. Then our hearts will be wide enough to accept and respect everybody and to appreciate the holiness of everyone.
We celebrate the feast of all departed souls on the second of November. It is an occasion to remember and pray for our departed ones and to reflect deeply about our own death. We all have participated in many funeral ceremonies. But it is true that very often we don’t think about our own death and prepare ourselves for a good death. Each one of us should prepare oneself for one’s death. We should not forget the fact that each day we are nearing our death.
When we receive death with due preparation, it will be a joyous experience for us. May the commemoration of the feast of all the departed souls help us to lead a life devoid of sins, keep our mind and body pure and thus to enable ourselves to enjoy the heavenly bliss.
Rev. Fr Joseph Mundolickal CST