When God created heaven and earth, He said ‘everything is good’. Each thing in this world came into existence with the signature of the Lord that it is “Good”. The invisible Lord reveals His glory through his creation. It is when in union with the nature that we will be able to experience the presence of God in this world.
Only those who can love nature can pray properly. St. Francis of Assisi loved every creation as his own brother and sister. His spirituality was in complete association with nature. St. Therese reminds us to enjoy the beauty and the presence of God that is being revealed in every creature. She says that one who enjoys the nature is really glorifying the Lord. Because it is the glory of God, that is being revealed in every creature. St. Paul makes it clear that “ever since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made” (Rm 1: 20).
Th e divine experience in paradise was nothing but an experience of God in and through nature. There we find the unity between human beings and the nature in its fullest. So, we say that, it is impossible for us to grow spiritually by neglecting nature. When we keep ourselves away from nature, it leads us away from God himself. But when we are with nature and enjoy the glory of God, that is being revealed through nature, the name of the Lord who created the heaven and earth is glorifi ed. “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge” (Ps 19: 1-2).
Nature teaches us the value of self-denial and thus how to attain the God experience. When the individuals live in love and unity, it creates unity and peace in our family and society. So, let us try to experience the glory of God that is being revealed through the nature and thus live in unity with the creator and His creation.
Fr Joseph Mundolickal CST