Everything is the gift of God

Merciful God will provide everything needed for those who trust in the Lord and for those who submit themselves fully in the hands of the Lord. This is the very confidence and the surety that the Sacred Scripture gives us.

Jesus reminds us to realize and experience the love of the ‘caring God’ form the creatures of the world. “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these” (Lk 12: 27). The realization that God knows each one of us individually and he has a special concern for us should help us to live our life trusting fully in the providence of God.

When the thought that ‘everything is mine’ arises in our heart, it will create discomfort in our hearts. When my thoughts become loud in such a way that I can think only about my health, my wealth, my power etc., the ups and downs in whatever I consider as mine will lead us to discomfort and unhappiness. But when we realize that everything is the gracious gift of the Lord, it will help us to be humble before the Lord. God asks: “what do you have that you did not receive? And if you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift ? (1Cor 4: 7).

These days many parents are worried about their young children. It is a painful cry of many of the parents and the constant question is “We have spent everything we have even our whole life for our children and why do they behave and treat us this was”? Being a parent you might have given your children whatever they demanded or even beyond that. But it is important to reflect whether you were successful in imparting faith in them and did you give them the confidence that there is a caring God in whom they can trust in all the moments of their life. If you can teach your children to be faithful to God and trust in the Lord in all the moments of their life, they will never go wrong and will not be broken in the difficult moments of their life.

Let us lead our life trusting in the unfathomable mercy of the Lord. Realizing that whatever I have is a gift from God, let us be humble before the Lord, thus lead a life in accordance with the will of God and receive His blessings.

Fr Prince Chakkalayil CST