Your time is now! Are you ready?

And to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19).

The people of the kingdom woke up that morning with the news that their king was critically ill. The news spread like wild fire and the people thronged the palace and their prayers for the good health of the king rose in unison. All the specialist doctors were consulted. They soon diagnosed that the king was suffering from heart disease and needed a heart transplant. The question now was who will donate the heart. The dejected minister walked to the balcony and heard the cries of the people. He appraised the people with the condition of the king. The people cried in unison, “take my heart”. The minister was now in a fix so he came up with the idea and said to the people, I will throw this red towel down from the balcony. On whosever head it falls that person can donate the heart”. He threw the towel down and the towel started floating down and moved along here and there along with the breeze. The minister was aghast at the sight of the people running hither and thither trying to avoid it falling on their head. The people till then crying out for the good health of the king showed the true colors and selfishly started running for their lives.

I am sure it may have been the same way when the Lord looked for a mother for His son on this earth. Many women would have slipped away from this responsibility or would have said that they were not worthy for this honor. But Mary said, “Behold the handmaid of God be it done to me as per your will.” She gave her dreams and her life and used the opportunity to serve the Lord who loves us all so much.

The Virgin Mary submitted her life to do the will of God. And the Lord rewarded her immensely by raising her above all to the heavens. “For he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48).

Jesus said to John, “Behold your mother”, and he gave a mother to the whole world. That mother today is asking you this question:

  1. Are you ready to receive the seed of the kingdom of God in your heart? If you are ready then it is time to dedicate your life and your dreams for the Lord. You should stay away from sin and sinful life. Only give importance to God and his kingdom. Lead a life pleasing to the Lord and conforming to the word of God. Lead a life with the discernment that everything that you have in life is by the mercy of God and not selfishly attribute it your own success.
  2. I bore Jesus and gave birth to Jesus, in the same way are you ready to accept the Jesus who comes to you through the Holy Communion and take this Jesus to the world? If you are ready then learn to love and accept everyone without any complaints. You should be ready to love everyone unconditionally, treat everyone cordially and even be able to forgive your enemies. Are you ready to sacrifice your life to save the souls for the Lord?
  3. Mother asks, “They have no wine, are you ready to give them wine?” your brothers may be lacking wine in their lives, they may be facing a dearth of love, money, health, faith and hope. Are you ready to help them?
  4. Again Mother Mary asks us, “Are you ready to do as he asks you to” referring to the miracle at wedding at Canna. Jesus until then had not performed any miracle but Mary believed in the power of Jesus, do we have this kind of faith in Jesus? That day at Canna the servants did as Jesus asked and they were able to witness the glory of God. Mother Mary expects us to do the same. “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Mt 4:17). Are you ready for a conversion and lead a sinless life. You need the presence of Jesus in your life to fill the jar of your life with wine.
  5. Finally Mother Mary challenging us, “Are you ready to live a life on this earth as per the will of God as I did? Can you lead a sinless life amidst a world polluted by sins? Can you not distance yourself from the needs of the others? (wedding at Canna). Can you be in peace even when others curse you and accuse you? (At the Cross). Can you not distort facts beyond your understanding and still your hearts from all fears? Can you not curse God when faced with trials and tribulations and accept it as the will of God? Are you ready to be the beacon of light in this world filled with darkness?

Let us begin our journey with Mother Mary, accepting the word of God and lead a holy life. Let us prepare for a life in the heavens through prayers and sacrifices.

Fr. Romal Kaniyamparampil RCJ