If I too reject him

Sachin was a regular trouble maker in that school. One day the students took him to the teacher and complained against him.  The teacher heard their complaints and said, ‘Let us forgive him this time.’ But to the dismay of the master the boy continued the mischief again. The angry students brought him again to the master and demanded the master to dismiss him as it was affecting the reputation of the well-established school. When they sensed that the master was leaning towards forgiving the boy again, the students in chorus raised their voice, ‘Remove him from the school if not we will not continue in this school.’ The master replied, ‘All of you who are good are free to go and I am sure because of your good character you will easily find another school. But if I reject him his future will be lost so I will never reject him.’

It is very easy to get together to accuse and alienate others and it is the human nature to do so. But the feast of Pentecost invites us to think differently and think from the perspective of the accused and the alienated. Even though the disciples ran away during Jesus’ painful journey to Calvary and crucifixion, Jesus does not reject them. He came searching for them after his resurrection calling them “my dear children” (John 21:5).  He fulfilled his promise and sent the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen the apostles. He ensured that no one is kept away from his loving presence, “That you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Mathew 5:45) and showed that God is love.

May the fest of Pentecost help us to receive other as they are, accepting other’s shortcomings and drawbacks. May the Spirit of the Lord fill his love and compassion in our shortcomings.

Fr Prince Chakkalayil CST