A Beautiful Girl Child

From the year 2015, I commenced my journey to RRC. I was regular in attending monthly prayers. In the month of March 2016, Sr. Cynthia made an announcement that, somebody is receiving the gift of a child and the same message was given during April. I have thyroid and PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovary Disease) which limits the possibility of having a child. It is at this stage that I was surprised when – Infant Jesus blessed me to conceive a child and revealed the same to Sr. Cynthia. I underwent a test and it was confirmed that the message was for me.

Again, while I was full term pregnant in the 9th month, during retreat Sr. Cynthia gave another message for me that, “I can see a Beautiful girl child”. Yet another time, Infant Jesus spoke through Sr. Cynthia and I am blessed with a beautiful girl child, for whom I desired always.

This child has brought happiness, sunshine and blessing to our lives. Infant Jesus is with us in the form of our Baby. During pregnancy I never had any issue and always my gynecologist said, your report is perfect.

I feel privileged that I am the part of English retreat at RRC and a special thanks to Sr. Cynthia and Br. Steven for their unconditional prayers, where Jesus reveals his mercy and grace through them on us.

Thank you Infant Jesus

Preethi Baretto