Healed of Cancer ( Lymphoma)

One morning I realized that I had an unusual node swelling on my left neck. I did not worry about it for two days, but on the third day consulted my family doctor. He asked me if I had any infection in the last week and I agreed saying stomach upset. The doctor assured me that it will disappear in a few days and there is nothing to worry. But it did not disappear.  After a few days at my workplace I had to go for a checkup, they prescribed a few tests written on the slip which included Tuberculosis, Sputum test, Biopsy for Lymphoma.

As I came back to my desk in the office – from the clinic- I just checked the internet about Lymphoma.  It was very scary to read. Lymphoma is a Cancer of the Lymph nodes. Fear built up within me and the next day I went to my family doctor and informed him. He called two other doctors and they were talking in medical terms. As I could understand a few of their medical terminology, I was very afraid. After their discussion one senior doctor asked me to wait for 3 weeks. If it is cancerous cells, it will increase in size and then testing process can be initiated.

Those three weeks were very a difficult time in my life. By this time the nodes had swollen up  and they were visible on the left side of my neck. My heart beat had increased and I was not able to concentrate on my work and family. I was so depressed, that my colleagues by just looking at me, used to enquire if everything was fine. If I closed my eyes, my 6yr old son was coming in front of my eyes. Fear had taken control of me. I had no interest in anything, in everything I felt  burdened.

After the completion of three weeks I was supposed to go for checkup, which I didn’t. Instead I went to RRC for the three day English retreat. I was praising and worshiping the Lord with the beautiful hymns from the team and under the guidance of Brother Steven. Two days passed. On Sunday Brother on the altar said – “there is someone who is very scared” –I knew it was me – I raised my hand, no one else did. Brother asked me what had happened – why I was scared. I told him it was due to a – cancer test. I told him “I am scared and I am worried as I have a child and scared about his future”. He declared to me in a loud voice  “ your fear HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY” and “NOTHING SHALL HAPPEN TO YOU”. I started crying and crying as the adoration continuedmusic . I was also thanking Him and praising Him – suddenly Brother asked to stop the music and asked if someone is having some problem on the left side of the neck and I raised my hand.

Brother said “JESUS has touched YOU”.  I could not control my tears and started thanking God. After the retreat I went to Brother for a blessing and that time brother said “something wonderful has happened in the praise and worship”. I said I believe I am healed. He said it is a confirmed and accurate message.  He told me to get myself examined with the test.

I went  to the doctor for the test, a sample from my neck was taken for the biopsy. Throughout every test I felt free. I no more had any fear!! My reports came after 5 days . As per the message – JESUS HAD TOUCHED ME- ALL my reports were NEGATIVE.

No cancer!  No sign of any swelling on neck…everything has vanished. Praise the Lord! Lord Jesus healed and took the fear from me – I am the Child of God.

Praise, Glory, Honor and Thanksgiving to Jesus.

Reena D’ Souza