We are celebrating the feast of the risen Lord with great joy and faith. It is the most important feast celebrated in the Catholic Church. Easter is the quintessence of God’s love for mankind.

Man who was with God from the beginning dissociated from God because of his sins and was condemned to death. His greed and a desire for the worldly pleasures distanced him from God. The Lord gave up his only son to bring the sinners back into his fold. Through the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross the Lord redeemed mankind from their sinful existence. Risen Jesus is the foundation for our faith. That is why St Paul boldly proclaims to the Corinthians, “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Cor 15:14).

Jesus gave a prelude to the eternal life to his disciples during the transfiguration on mount Tabor. All the hardship and suffering that we go through as a disciple of Jesus leads us to this eternal life and the resurrection is the way to eternal happiness. The apostles and the members of the first Church sacrificed their lives to safeguard their faith to Christ Jesus. The Lord redeemed heaven which was lost due to the sins of mankind. The resurrection of Lord Jesus gave us the courage and freedom to call the Lord Abba, Father.

Our sufferings and the virtues we practice, attain meaning through the resurrection of Jesus. Let us graciously accept the trials and tribulations the world has to offer and experience the joy of the risen Lord in our lives.

Fr Joseph Mundolickal CST